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Iplex Apollo® is a bi-axially oriented PVC pressure pipe for use in water supply infrastructure. Iplex uses two patented processes resulting in an exceptionally tough, high-performance thermoplastic pipe with greatly enhanced physical characteristics, including greater impact resistance and reduced weight when compared with other PVC pipes. Apollo® PVC-O pipe also provides increased hydraulic capacity due to its exceptionally smooth and enlarged bore.


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Due to its enhanced physical characteristics, Iplex Apollo PVC-O pipes are ideal for a wide variety high water pressure applications. The stronger material properties and exceptional hydraulic performance make this OPVC system optimal for:

  • Major potable water supply trunk and reticulation mains
  • Industrial process pipelines
  • Recycled water pipelines
  • Effluent pipelines for pumped sewage, industrial and rural wastes
  • Slurry pipelines carrying corrosive mine waste water
  • Irrigation and turf watering systems

Apollo® PVC-O Pressure Pipes - Product Catalogue and Technical Guide


The increase in strength. toughness and ductility of biaxially oriented PVC permits the use of higher design stresses with improved overall performance.

The resulting larger internal bore reduces pumping costs and whole life costs. For the same head there is a greater flow capacity than the equivalent PVC-U or PVC-M pipe. This makes PVC-O pipes ideal for high pressure and high water flow rates.

Features Benefits
Excellent internal/external corrosion resistance  Long service life  
Electrically non conductive  Do not suffer from electrolytic corrosion  
Rieber rubber ring  Reduced jointing effort and improved reliability  
Light weight Ease of handling and reduced laying costs

Material Options

Material Options

Mechanical Properties

Property Value & Unit
Density (Specific Gravity) 1.47
Ultimate Tensile Strength 52MPa
Yield Strain 5.5%
Compressive Strength 66MPa
Tensile Modulus 4000MPa
Hardness Shore D 85
Poisson’s Ratio 0.38
Design Stress 28MPa
Ring Bending Modulus (3 mins) 4000MPa
Ring Bending Modulus (50 years) 1800MPa

Thermal Properties

Thermal Properties

Property Value & Unit
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 7 x 10-5/°C
Thermal Conductivity 0.138W/m.K 
Specific Heat 1047 J/kg/°C
Vicat Softening Temperature >79°C
Allowable Operation Temperature 50°C

Typical Fire Resistance Properties

Property Value & Unit
Flammability Will not support combustion
Ignitability-AS 1530.3* 7
Smoke development- AS 1530.3* 9
Spread of flame-AS 1530.3* 0
Heat evolved - AS 1530.3* 2

Typical Electrical Properties

Property Value & Unit
Volume Resistivity 1016 (60% RH)
Surface Resistivity 1013 - 1014ohm
Power factor 0.015 - 0.020 at 200C
Dielectric constant 3.4 - 3.6 at 25 0C (60HZ)


Temperature Effect On Pressure Rating

Apollo® pipes are suitable for service temperatures ranging from 0°C and 50°C. For temperatures above 20°C provision must be made for pressure re-rating. These re-rating factors are the same used for PVC-M and PVC-U.

Thermal Re-rating Factors*

Maximum service temperature 1°C) Multiplication factor for pressure re-rating
20 1.00
25 0.94
30 0.87
35 0.78
40 0.70
45 0.64
50 0.58

*Based on ISO 4422-2 Pipes and fittings made of un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) for water supply Part 2: Pipes (with or without integral sockets)

Chemical Resistance

Resistance of PVC-O pipe and elastomeric seals to reaction with, or attacked by, the chemical agents listed in the 'Chemical Resistance Guide' has been determined by research, investigation and reference to data from international and local Source.

Information provided is intended as a guide only Due to the complexity of some organic chemical reactions, it is suggested that in critical applications, additional long-term testing be performed.

Data provided should not necessarily be regarded as applicable to all exposure durations, concentrations and working conditions likely to be encountered.

PVC has exceptional resistance to attack from high concentrations of alkalis and acids, except for strong oxidising agents at maximum or near maximum concentrations. The material is not recommended for use with aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, ketones, esters and ethers.

View the Iplex Chemical Resistant Tool

Product Details

Product Details

Standards and Approvals

Iplex Apollo® PVC-O pipe is manufactured to the Australian Product Standard under third-party accredited Quality Management System (QMS) conforming to AS/NZS ISO 9001.

Apollo® PVC-O pipe has ISO Type 5 third-party StandardsMark Certification, License number SMKP20188 in accordance with AS/NZS 4441 “Oriented PVC (PVC-O) pipes for pressure applications”.

Apollo® PVC-O pipe was appraised by Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) – PA 1612.

View Iplex Product Certifications

Rubber Ring Seals

The BLUEseal joint is a spigot and socket joint comprising of the Forsheda EPDM rubber gasket moulded onto a distinctive blue polypropylene retaining ring. These gaskets are normally supplied factory fitted in the pipe sockets but are also designed for field installation where necessary.

The gasket complies with, BS EN 681 and have a UK Kitemark.

Part 1 and 3 of AS/NZS 1646 "Elastomeric seals for waterworks purpose" takes cognizance of BS EN681.

Test regimes used to certify the BLUEseal joint include those of ISO 13846 for pressure, ISO 13844 for vacuum performance and AS/NZS 4020 for drinking water applications.

Colour and Markings

Iplex Apollo® PVC-O pipes are colour coded as per AS/NZS 4441 to easily distinguish between the different types of pipes applications.

Apollo® pipe colour identification

Product Application
Apollo® PVC-O Blue Drinking water
Apollo® PVC-O Purple Recycled water
Apollo® PVC-O Cream Pressure sewerage

Environment Credentials

Iplex Apollo® PVC-O pressure pipe is certified to confirm to the Best Environmental Practice PVC (BEP PVC) provisions of AS/NZS 1260.

The Green Building Council of Australia (GCBA) has defined the standards for best practice environmental performance for PVC manufacturing, against which Iplex’s processes have been audited by an independent certifying body. These permits users of Iplex PVC-O pressures pipes to claim positive PVC Credit Points under the GBCA’s Green Star Rating Scheme. Learn More

Iplex Pipelines has published verified Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) on our range of PVC-O Pressure Pipes. EPD’s are third party certified documents based on ISO 14025 and EN 15804 Standards that communicate transparent and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of a product or service. Specifically, product declarations include information on the environmental impact of raw material acquisition, energy use and efficiency, composition of materials and chemical substances, emissions to air, soil and water and waste generation. 

Iplex's PVC-O pressure pipe EPD

Apollo® PVC-O Pressure Pipe Range and Dimensions

Iplex Apollo® PVC-O pressure pipes are available in Series 2 in PN12.5 or PN16 respectively. Pipes are manufactured in accordance with AS/NZS 4441 and design coefficient C=1.6.

Iplex Apollo® PVC-O Pressure Series 2 Pipe Dimensions

Apollo® PVC-O Fittings Range

Conventional socketed fittings complying with AS/NZS 2280 - 'Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes and Fitting and VISAA TN2' are recommended for use with ApolloBLUE® Series 2 pressure pipes.

All Iplex PVC-O water systems have a complete range of bends, tees, reducers and flange-spigot pieces are available from Iplex with rubber ring socket in size DN100 to DN300.

Ductile iron fittings can be protected from corrosion with the following:

  • Polymeric coated (preferred)
  • Cement lining and polyethylene wrap
  • Epoxy coating

All standard ductile iron fittings supplied by Iplex have both an internal and external polymer coating.

Ductile iron fittings used with Apollo® OPVC pipes should be manufactured with socket lengths equal to or greater than the dimensions in the table below. These dimensions are necessary to allow for Poisson’s contraction when fully pressurised to class head. Where a flange connection is required a flange socket adaptor may be used.

Ductile iron sockets joint configuration (AS/NZS 2280)

Normal diameter DN Minimum insertion depth(mm) Typical chamfer length (mm) Allowable joint deflection (degrees)
100 42 10 3.5
150 50 10 3.5
200 58 10 3.5
225 52 10 3.5
250 62 10 3.5
300 71 10 2.5

Reference: WSAA TN2 issue 2 "Guidelines for the use of ductile iron elastomeric joint fitting with plastic pipes"


Apollo® PVC-O Hydraulic Design

Apollo® PVC-O Structural Design

Handling & Storage

Handling & Storage

Apollo® PVC-O Handling and Storage

Installation & Testing

Installation & Testing

Apollo® PVC-O Installation

Apollo® PVC-O Testing


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PVC-O pipe?

PVC-O is molecularly oriented polyvinyl chloride which is designed to be stronger and more lightweight than standard PVC. The composition of PVC-O pipes makes them ideal for high pressure water distribution mains, rising sewer mains and irrigation supply. Apollo PVC-O Pressure Pipe provides the latest advancements in PVC pipe technology.


The PVC-O is significantly stronger and tougher than PVC-U and therefore provides better performance overall. For example PVC-O is approximately twice the strength and ten times more impact resistant than PVC-U!

Isn’t Apollo® PVC-O relatively new?

No. Bi-axially oriented PVC is not a new process. Yorkshire Imperial Plastics in the United Kingdom first developed it in the early 1970’s. So this technology has been available for over 50 years and is well established and quite sound.

Iplex have modified PVC (PVC-M). Why does Iplex also have oriented PVC (PVC-O)?

PVC-M and PVC-O are both advances on the old PVC-U. PVC-O has a higher design stress than ‘M’ and therefore, for a given pressure class, has a larger bore and hence a higher hydraulic capacity. Pipelines installed and operated correctly in either material have an expected service life in excess of 100 years.

We have heard about deformation failures in PVC-O pipe from repair clamps and gibault joints. Will yours be any different?

Iplex PVC-O pipes have adequate stiffness for the intended applications and if installed and operated correctly will not fail. The resistance to deformation is inversely proportional to the SDR and so pipes with a lower SDR will be inherently stiffer than those with a higher SDR. Iplex uses a lower SDR to reduce deformation. If deformation is a concern, contact us today to discuss what product is ideal for your intended use.

Ductile Iron Pipes & Fittings Technical Guide

Enquire about PVC-O


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