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PVC-U Pressure Pipe & Fittings (Un-plasticised)

PVC-U pressure pipes and fittings are manufactured from unplasticised polyvinyl chloride polymer (a thermoplastic material) using the extrusion process. PVC-U pipes and fittings were introduced into Australia in the early 1960's and is now widely accepted for use across many applications. Their high strength weight ratio together with exceptional resistance to corrosion or chemical attack make these pipelines ideal for major infrastructure applications.

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Our PVC-U Pressure Pipe & Fittings (Un-plasticised) range

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Iplex PVC-U pipes are recognised for their advantages and have been used extensively since the 1970's in the following applications:

  • Major potable water supply trunk and reticulation mains
  • Irrigation and turf watering systems
  • Industrial process pipelines
  • Effluent pipelines for pumped sewage, industrial and rural wastes
  • Slurry pipelines carrying abrasive and corrosive mine or quarry materials

PVC-U Pressure Pipes and Fittings - Product Catalogue and Technical Guide


PVC plastic pipe systems offer major advantages over traditional materials including corrosion resistance, installation economics, operating efficiencies and significant reductions in maintenance costs. The following outlines some of the features and benefits of PVC pipes. 

Features Benefits
Excellent internal/external corrosion resistance  Long service life  
Electrically non conductive  Do not suffer from electrolytic corrosion  
Rieber rubber ring  Reduced jointing effort and improved reliability  
Light weight Ease of handling and reduced laying costs

Material Options

Material Options

Mechanical Properties

Property Value & Unit
Density (Specific Gravity) 1.47
Ultimate Tensile Strength 52MPa
Yield Strain 5.5%
Compressive Strength 66MPa
Tensile Modulus 3200MPa
Hardness Shore D 85
Poisson's ratio 0.38
Design Stress ≤DN150=11.0 MPa >DN150=12.3 MPa
Ring Bending Modulus (50yrs) 1200MPa

Thermal Properties

Property Value & Unit
Coefficient of thermal expansion 70 x 10-6/oC
Thermal conductivity 0.138W/m.k
Specific heat 1045 J/kg/oC
Vicat Softening Temperature >70oC
Allowable Operation Temperature 50oC


Temperature Effect On Pressure Rating

PVC-U pipes are suitable for service temperatures between 0°C and 50°C. For temperatures above 20°C, provision must be made for pressure re-rating in accordance with the table below:

Thermal re-rating factors*

Maximum service temperature (°C) Multiplication factor for pressure re-rating
20 1.00
25 0.94
30 0.87
35 0.78
40 0.70
45 0.64
50 0.58

*Based on ISO 4422-2 Pipes and fittings made of Un-plasticised Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC-U) for water supply Part 2: Pipes (with or without integral sockets)

Fire Resistance Properties

Property Value & Unit
Flammability Will not support combustion
Ignitability-AS 1530* 7
Smoke Development - AS 1530* 9
Spread of flame - AS 1530 * 0
Heat evolved - AS 1530* 2

*AWTA Product Testing, test repot" number 7-558788-CV

Electrical Properties

Property Value & Unit
Volume resistivity 1016 (60% RH)
Superface resistivity 1013 - 1014ohm
Power factor 0.015 - 0.020 at 20 0C
Dielectric constant 3.4 - 3.6 at 250C(60 HZ)

Chemical Resistance

PVC-U pipes have high resistance to a wide range of chemical reagents. Such resistance, however, is a function of temperature, concentration and pressure.

In general, PVC-U is suitable to convey strong acids, alkalis and aqueous solutions (except those which are strongly oxidising), aliphatic hydrocarbons, fluorides, photographic and plating solutions, brine, mineral oils, fats and alcohols. The suitability of a pipeline for conveying a certain chemical will depend on such factors as the concentration of the chemical in the fluid to be conveyed, temperature, flow rate, the presence of pockets or “dead spots” in the pipeline and other factors.

View the Iplex Chemical Resistant Tool

Product Details

Product Details

Standards and Approvals

Iplex PVC-U pipe is manufactured to the Australian Product Standard under a third party accredited Quality Management System (QMS) complying with ISO 9001.

PVC-U pressure pipes has ISO Type 5 third-party StandardsMark™ certification, licence numbers: SMK1304, SMK1058, SMK1173 and SMK1531 in accordance with Australia/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1477 “PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications”.

View Iplex Product Certifications

Rubber Ring Seals

Rubber Ring Seals are EPDM polymer, which conforms to the requirements of AS 1646 “Elastomeric seals for waterwork purposes”.

Colour and Markings

Iplex PVC-U pipes are colour coded in accordance with AS/NZS 1477 and WSAA product specification WSA PS211, to readily distinguish between the different types of pipe applications.

PVC-U pipe colour identification

Product Application
PVC-U White (Series 1) Drinking Water
PVC-U Purple (Series 1) Recycled Water
PVC-U Cream (Series 1) Sewerage


Environmental Credentials

Iplex PVC-U pressure pipe is certified to confirm to the Best Environmental Practice PVC (BEP PVC) provisions of AS/NZS 1260.

The Green Building Council of Australia (GCBA) has defined the standards for best practice environmental performance for PVC manufacturing, against which Iplex’s processes have been audited by an independent certifying body. These permits users of Iplex PVC-U pressures pipes to claim positive PVC Credit Points under the GBCA’s Green Star Rating Scheme Learn More.

Iplex Pipelines has published verified Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) on our range of PVC-U Pressure Pipes. EPD’s are third party certified documents based on ISO 14025 and EN 15804 Standards that communicate transparent and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of a product or service. Specifically, product declarations include information on the environmental impact of raw material acquisition, energy use and efficiency, composition of materials and chemical substances, emissions to air, soil and water and waste generation. View Iplex's PVC-U pressure pipe EPD

PVC-U Pressure Pipe Series 1 Range and Dimensions

PVC-U pressure pipes are available in both Solvent Weld (SWJ) and Rubber Ring Joint (RRJ). DN15 up to and including DN150 pipes are available in SWJ and DN80 up to an including DN375 pipes are available in RRJ.


Series 1 PVC-U (SWJ) Pressure Pipe Dimensions






















15 21.4 - - - - - - 1.5* 18.3* 1.8 17.8
20 26.8 - - - - - - 1.5 23.7 2.2 22.4
25 33.6 - - - - 1.5 30.5 1.9 29.8 2.7 28.1
32 42.3 - - - - 1.9 38.5 2.4 37.5 3.4 35.4
40 48.3 - - 1.5 45.2 2.1 44.1 2.7 42.8 3.9 40.5
50 60.4 - - 1.8 56.8 2.6 55.2 3.3 53.7 4.9 50.5
65 75.4 1.7 72.0 2.2 71.0 3.2 68.9 4.2 67.0 6.1 63.2
80 88.9 2.0 84.9 2.6 83.7 3.8 81.3 4.9 79.0 7.1 74.6
100 114.3 2.5 109.3 3.2 107.8 4.8 104.6 6.3 101.7 9.1 96.0
125 140.2 3.0 134.1 4.0 132.2 5.9 128.4 7.6 124.9 - -
150 160.3 3.4 153.4 4.5 151.3 6.7 146.9 8.8 142.7 12.8 134.7


Series 1 PVC-U (RRJ) Pressure Pipe Dimensions






















80 88.9 2.0 84.9 2.6 83.7 3.8 81.3 4.9 79.0 7.1 74.6
100 114.3 2.5 109.3 3.2 107.8 4.8 104.6 6.3 101.7 9.1 96.0
125 140.2 3.0 134.1 4.0 132.2 5.9 128.4 7.6 124.9 - -
150 160.3 3.4 153.4 4.5 151.3 6.7 146.9 8.8 142.7 12.8 134.7
200 225.3 - - 5.7 213.8 8.4 208.5 11.1 203.1 16.2 192.9
225 250.4 4.8 240.8 6.3 237.7 9.3 231.7 12.3 225.8 18.0 214.4
250 280.4 - - 7.1 266.2 10.5 259.4 13.7 252.9 20.1 239.9
300 315.5 6.0 303.4 8.0 299.5 11.7 292.0 15.5 284.5 22.6 270.2
375 400.5 7.7 385.1 10.1 380.3 14.9 370.7 19.6 363.3 - -

PVC-U Pressure Pipe Series 1 Range and Dimensions

PVC-U Fittings Range

A full range of SWJ bends, tees, reducers and valve connectors are available for Iplex PVC-U Series 1 pressure pipes with appropriate socketed joints for sizes DN15 to DN375.

Note: The use of imported solvent welded PVC-U fittings with parallel sockets will require gap filling solvent complying with ASTM D-2564. Failure to use the appropriate solvent and cleaner will result in joint failure.

All PVC-U fittings are electrically non-conductive and do not require corrosion protection in aggressive environments.

PVC-U and Crevet® Ductile Iron Fittings

Conventional socketed fittings complying with AS/NZS 2280 - "Ductile Iron Pressure Pipes and Fittings" are generally suitable for use with Iplex's PVC-U Series 1 pressure pipes.

The Iplex Crevet® range of bends, tees, reducers and flange-spigot pieces are available with rubber ring sockets in sizes DN100 to DN375.

Reference should be made to the Water Services Association of Australia WSAA TN2 'Guidelines for the use of non-metallic pipes with ductile iron elastomeric joint fittings'. If in doubt, contact Iplex Pipelines to confirm the Suitability of any particular range of fittings.

Ductile iron fittings can be protected from corrosion with the following:

  • Polymeric coated (preferred)
  • Cement lining and polyethylene wrap
  • Epoxy coating

View Iplex’s range of Crevet® Ductile Iron Fittings


Iplex PVC-U Pressure Pipeline Design Hydraulic

Iplex PVC-U Pressure Pipeline Design Structural

Handling & Storage

Handling & Storage

PVC-U Pressure Handling and Storage

PVC-U pipes may distort under high loads. Therefore stack heights should be kept to a minimum for long-term storage.

Iplex PVC-U Pressure Handling and Storage

Installation & Testing

Installation & Testing

PVC-U Pressure Installation

PVC-U Pressure Testing


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to use primer when joining PVC pipes?

Yes. Using Primer removes dirt and grease from the pipe as well as etches the pipe for the application of the solvent cement. Note: Pressure pipe larger than DN200 will require special gap filling solvent cement.

Can I use a mixture of solvent weld joint fittings and ductile iron fittings in the same pipeline / system?

Yes. Both types of fittings can be used. However, thrust blocks must be used when using ductile iron fittings.

Can PVC-U pipes be used above ground?

Yes. PVC-U pipes must be supported at regular intervals and can be painted with acrylic based paint to reduce exposure to UV radiation.

Is PVC-U suitable for use in compressed air lines?

No. PVC pipes are not suitable to use as compressed air lines. Polyethylene pipes can be used for these applications.

Can tapping saddles be used on PVC-U pipes?

Yes. Tapping saddles can be used on PVC-U pipes, it is important not to use a tapping saddle within 600 mm of a join and if using multiple saddles, there must be 600 mm between saddles.

Are ductile iron fittings available for series 1 PVC-U pipe?

Yes. Iplex sell a range of Crevet® Ductile Iron fittings for Series 1 PVC-U Pipe. For more information on this range refer to the Crevet® Ductile Fittings section on of the website Learn More.

Enquire about PVC-U Pressure Pipe & Fittings (Un-plasticised)


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