Environment and Sustainability
Iplex recognises the importance of the environment and sustainability for the future. We are proud to support and care for the natural environment and communities in which we operate; and are committed to minimising impact on the environment as well as proactively managing any potential risks.

Iplex is committed to the prevention of workplace injury and illness, and the protection of the environment. We acknowledge that the scope of our Health, Safety and Environment Responsibilities extends to all stakeholders, including employees, contractors, customers, suppliers and the general community.
We focus on achieving continuous HS&E performance improvement through positive leadership. This is achieved by communicating sound HS&E values and behaviours; assigning personal accountability; and implementing the Iplex Pipelines HS&E Management System.
The system incorporates requirements from Australian/New Zealand legislation, Codes of Practice and National/International Standards, including AS4801:2000 - "Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems"; and ISO14001:1996 - "Environmental Management Systems".

Quality and Certifications
Iplex's mission is to sustain growth through low cost, innovative, quality plastic pipeline systems, ensuring customer satisfaction. Iplex maintains a Quality System based on the International Standards ISO9001:2008 - "Quality Management Systems - Requirements". The purpose of the quality system is to provide the tools to ensure consistency in our processes and foster continuous improvement.
The NATA Accredited Laboratory located within the Iplex Technical Centre, Chipping Norton NSW, Conducts operations in line with the Australian/International Standard AS/ISO/IEC 17025 - "General Requirements for the Competency of testing & Calibration Laboratories."
Iplex holds third party certification to ISO9001:2008 for all manufacturing sites from SAI Global and ApprovalMark International. The certification also covers the purchase and sale of complementary products.

With an integrated freight network that allows an optimum inventory availability in our National warehouse system Iplex can provide solutions to meet customer requirements. Our ERP system for stock management and WMS ensures efficient processors and inventory management. We have invested in RF and PDA hardware allowing internal users to track the status of each order from entry to customer delivery point, enabling us to communicate effectively with customers through each state of their order. Iplex’s specialised vehicles ensure customer orders are delivered safely and efficiently with the ideal equipment, minimising our environmental footprint and satisfying customers specific requirements.

Iplex is continuously searching for improvements in pipeline technology to ensure can provide the latest innovations to our customers. This includes working closely with our industry and global partners to tailor and customise products to suit the local market. Iplex has successfully introduced products into the Australian market over the years which have shaped and influenced the water industry. When developing new products or introducing new processes Iplex considers the whole-of-life of the product/process including end-of-life issue and waste management.